Getting tested for HIV & STIs is easy at EBAC. We provide sexual health services including testing and treatment for gonorrhea (GC), chlamydia (CT), syphilis (RPR), hepatitis B and HIV to our patients. If you are interested in receiving STI screenings please call us at
Rapid Test for HIV gives super fast results
This is called the OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test. It can provide results in 20 minutes using oral fluid. Significant benefits of the rapid HIV test for oral fluid include the following:
Providing quick results eliminates the need for people to return to get their results.
People who do not like needlesticks or are otherwise afraid of a blood test may decide to be tested.
If people know immediately that they are positive for the HIV virus, they can begin to receive treatment sooner and to take steps to prevent transmission of the virus.
If you are interested in STI testing, but you are unsure if your insurance will cover the cost, please call us at 510-869-8400.